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    My Expressions ~

    *No image* 

    *See this smile? :') Its hiding my tears*

    Im happy if you happy.Im broken heart if you broken heart too.But if I love you, are you love me too? Hrmmm I know the answer :') *Now, I syok sendiri * Its okay.Im fine baby.No matter how much I cry, nothing is going to change.The fact you gone and you want me go away from your life.Yeah, if you want, I will go but it takes a long time to go away and forget you.Sorry to say.Life can hardly fill the emptiness in me.I wish i never miss you anymore.But its just a dream.Every second, minutes, hour, I do I miss you.Everynight i dream of you.In my dream, you always say "I love you" at me but its just a dream.I know my dream never become truth again.I will miss when you say you love me.But are you still remember what i say when Im confused with your feeling.Yes, im confused because im afraid you will leave me again, again, again.Now, you leave me again.Im not your girlfriend anymore.Im just act like Im your girlfriend.But in my heart, you still my boyfriend.In Fact, I lost someone who wasnt even mine again.I know you never supposed to mean this much to me.I was never supposed to fall so hard.But you know what? I did and thats the truth, thats what keeps me holding on because its hurt like asdfghjkl to let you go ....... Sayang, I understand with your feeling.If you still love me, find me.If you dont love me anymore, its okay.Just go anywhere.Find your happiness, sayang ~ Sorry, I still cant forget you cause its take a long time to forget someone I love very much.

    Sorry for everything :*** 


    "My Expressions ~" was Posted On: Wednesday 12 December 2012 @09:58 | 0 lovely comments

    Apa itu cinta? Kata orang cinta itu buta.Hrmm entahlah.Kerana cinta ramai yang ego.Ramai yang tidak menghargainya sampai ada yang terluka.Mungkin aku salah seorang yang terluka itu.Tenenen tidak dapa dikesan.Tahukah anda kerana cinta jugalah nilai persahabatan bisa terputus? Kenapa bisa teputus? Jawapan ada pada diri sendiri sebenarnya.Cinta itu kejam right? Exactly, NOOOO!!! Cinta tak kjam.Cuma manusia je yang tak pandai menghargainya.Ayat nie sama macam Ombak Ghindu kan.Hehehehe Ayat itu memang betul kan.Tapi kalau cinta kita tak terbalas, ia lagi menyakitkan.Tapi bila ditinggalkan oleh cinta susah nak move on.Ya, aku pernah ditinggalkan oleh cinta.Dan sekarang ia menjadi kisah silam ku.Dan kisah silam tak perlu dikenang.Orang dah tak nak dekat kita jangan kita perigi cari timba pulak :)

    # - A person who truly love you, will never let you go actually.No matter how hard the situation is.


    "Heartbreak" was Posted On: Monday 3 December 2012 @08:22 | 0 lovely comments

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